Askia Nasir Kabara, B. E. Unegbu


This research aims to explore the influence of manuscripts management practices within the National Archives of Nigeria, Kaduna. The study focuses on assessing the current state of manuscripts management practices to provide insights into the operational dynamics of libraries, archives, and cultural heritage bureaus within this institution. Employing a survey research design, the study engages with 15 individuals comprising administrative and technical staff members. Total enumeration is employed as the sampling technique due to the manageable population size, ensuring comprehensive coverage and reducing sampling bias. Data is collected using a structured questionnaire designed to elicit insights into various aspects of manuscripts management practices. The collected data is processed using the Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) software for logical and systematic analysis. Descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution, mean, and standard deviation are utilized for data analysis. The findings reveal a high level of agreement ("Agree") among participants regarding the state of manuscripts management practices within the National Archives of Nigeria, Kaduna. The overall mean score of 3.13 on a scale of 4 indicates a generally positive perception of these practices. Specifically, storage and safeguarding emerged with the highest mean rating (x̅ = 3.58), followed by handling and utilization (x̅ = 3.26), selection and acquisition (x̅ = 3.22), disaster preparedness (x̅ = 3.09), conservation (x̅ = 3.07), access (x̅ = 3.04), description and cataloguing (x̅ = 3.00), and preservation (x̅ = 3.00). These findings provide valuable insights into the efficacy of manuscripts management practices within the National Archives of Nigeria, contributing to a nuanced understanding of cultural heritage preservation in the region. Through meticulous analysis and interpretation of the collected data, this study offers practical implications for enhancing manuscripts management practices within the National Archives of Nigeria, Kaduna. By identifying areas of strength and opportunities for improvement, stakeholders can implement targeted interventions to optimize the preservation and accessibility of cultural heritage resources. Overall, this research contributes to the ongoing discourse on manuscripts management practices and underscores the significance of effective preservation strategies in safeguarding cultural heritage for future generations.


manuscripts, management practices, manuscripts management practices, National Archives

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